Saturday, April 24, 2010

Dear Diary, It's Almost A Year Passed

Hello, I'm seventeen years old by now. And in 59 days, I'm gonna be eighteen.

Boleh gak mau gak? Serius deh.

So I was running through my old posts from my old blog, and I found this one. One of the best day in my entire life. Last night, setelah nonton play pertama kali yg diadain sekolah gw "Animal Farm" Congratulations you guys! For a start, you guys were rocking awesome! me and bunch of the girls had an eat out at Teras Kota (BSD). It was totally a bizzare, Friday night laughs! Haha I don't even yelled ke bapak-bapak di samping kita yg ngerokok seenak jidatnya, how I miss those times. Pulang sekolah masih pake seragam cerita-cerita nunggu pulang, dan padahal mereka anak ips yg berarti gak sesering gw ketemu anak ipa in the last couple of months. Nyiapin uan gak mungkin sama mereka juga kan haha. Waktu jalan pulang, gw sekar myrna yg malah jadi mellow soalnya kangen banget! Sekampus aja blum tentu ketemu, apalagi beda kampus. Di saat seperti ini, gw percaya tehnologi BB menyatukan hahaha.

Anyway, 306 days ago was such a start for me to be seventeen. Berarti punya ktp, sim, dan rasanya seneng banget begitu punya pasti semua orang pamer - kecuali fotonya nista.

This is how I wrote about 'the day'

I'm finally seventeen!
Okay so..actually gw mau nulis ttg ini about a week ago or so cuma ya nampaknya mood menulis gw yang suka naik turun dan stuck di tengah jalan ngalahin tornado di Dufan yang ngeliatin orang duduk di atasnya dengan sukses berhasil ngebuat gw megap-megap. It's been a week? 8 days actually, since and after my favourite day of the year-when I beat the earth gravity and I'm being the center of the world wihiy bahasa gw asik bgt gak sih.

Seriously, I wonder apakah 17y old akan jadi semanis jembatan ancol yang dibilang?

Sampai detik ini pun gw gatau. My sweet seventeen not literally as sweet as corn apa sih mar please I mean not as sweet di tv yang suka di mtv tau ga sih that 'Sweet 16' show. Itu sih sarap kalo kata temen gw. They're only 16 ys, notabene lebih muda dari gw dan dengan mudahnya dia masuk tv mtv dengan postur tubuh seadanya and by the end of the day they'll be given a key. A key to happiness? You wish! Gw sih dikasih kunci rumah untuk jalan pulang karena pulang terlalu pagi. Nah kidding. They had their keys to be the young millionaire. Car keys, house keys, whatever keys. The most sophisticated one! Gw bisa bayangin kalo gw bangun di pagi hari ulang tahun yang cerah dan si matrix melolong gak jelas ngobrol sama anjing tetua di tetangga trus gw dateng ke bokap gw trus "Papa aku minta ferrari merah yang baru dong. Pengen deh..satu saja cukup" Yang ada gw dibeliin miniaturnya. Itu aja blom tentu :S

My birthday was ZSUPER!

I got all of my best peps with me all day long. Well, two of them are missing but the people who you called bestfriends should be there at your precious moments kan? That's inn my theorical thing sih.. 22nd june 2009. I was totally overslept at 00:00 am and a ring-aling-ding-ding woke me up. A call. First caller, second callers and tens of text mssages gosh ILYSM you guys! I really doo. Sebuah text penuh kebodohan dari sonia yang bilang "Maaf ya Mara ga ikut kesana ga blh plg pagi" padahal son i was woken up ALL ALONE for even an hour. That night gw esp wore my favs pj's which has strawberries pattern all over it hahaha kaya masih bocah kecil. I'm the eldest in the fams and I'm still my dad's favs girl (pernyataan sepihak haha).

Sambil setengah tidur-ngelindur trus ngintip dr jendela depan ada orang atau gak at least CANDLE LIGHT hahaha but I was back in my room dengan muka kecewa karena satpam bahkan gak ada untuk gw intip ckckck. Dan gw kembali dgn alam mimpi *ngambek hahaha

Mimpi gw nyenyak banget, but thanks God gw gak mimpi yang bagus-bagus amat because realita at 4 a.m in the morning WAY MORE LOVELY than any dream in my world. Bahkan lebih bagus dari mimpi ngedate sama Shia Lebeaouf yang luka-luka dan kotor sangat seksi ...okay stop. Haha akhirny munculah titik-titik cahaya lilin dan THERE'R MY GIRLS! Hahaha Angela-Myrna-Thesa-Nisa singing "Happy Birthdays" dan dengan sengaja-cepat-dan tidak manusiawi menarik gw lagsung keluar asli muka bengep gw bahkan gak sempet ngaca dong kurang ajar dan THERE'R THE BOYS si Aditya-Herpavi (ambigu abis hahaha please bukan yang sebenarnya ya) and my love doctor haha si Joe. Gw bahkan hardly sempet mikir untuk wishes sebelum tiup lilin but ya I did remember some. Dan dengan terus"an difoto haha birthday is like ngartis a day gw baru sadar it ain't just a cake. It was my mom's-very-own-recipe-of-macaroni my favourite! Well, dengan modifikasi sana-sini oleh si Adit! Haha :)

The day couldnt be more perfect <3
They'r all at my very moments of 17

As usual si Joe sama Adit nyanyi" lah pake gitar. Haha I's really excited sampai semua kantuk hilang dan malah ajak main kartu memory yg menguras otak! Alhasil yg kuat cuma MYRNA yg dengan sukses untuk pertama kalinya mengalahkan piala bergilir yang selalu gw pegang! Trus pd setengah nyawa semua akhirnya menyerbu kamar gw ngempet semua hahaha dengan BOS NISA tergeletak asik telentang di atas tempat tidur. They're finally got home at 6 A.M, Thesa yang berniat mau tunggu babehnya ngantor gagal total malah keburu ditelfon maknya! Hahaha.


And it was a year ago. Wow. Time's running out so fast, too fast.

Exactly when I finally reached out the number 17, I don't feel like I'm being the way I used to. Even I felt much of the immatureness. And it feels bad, in a way. At some momentum. Maybe it's because the euforia that I've finally managed to the age 17, and the way my minds keep saying how I should be more mature by now finally caused the opposite conslusion? You know, the opposites theory?

I guessed so.
There's no other explanation. Or there is?
I'll let you know later on.

I learn a lot during my 17th. Try to fixed things, the awfulness of messing up something. Friendship. There're a lot of thanks and a lot of sorry. And finding yourself.

Being 17 is fun after all.
Making mistakes, that's how life still treats you well.
Padahal setiap kejadian, I'd slap my own face :p

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