Saturday, April 24, 2010

Shallow Hall

"Dan semakin kamu merasa paling suci, kamu akan menjadi yang paling dangkal."

Sok banget kesannya quote orang padahal bikin sendiri di jalan haha atau udah pernah ada yang bikin, ya maaf de hehe. The line came up on my mind just now jadi ya memang punya orang sepertinya haha. Super wasted.

Actually, I hate to talk about 'this' - what I'm going to talk about, in public. I don't feel that I have the rights. But someone made me, they surely did.

Kemarin waktu lg jalan sama temen gw, mendadak dia nunjukkin link ke sebuah blog. Dengan sangat gak ngerti apa maksudnya, ya buka aja linknya. I never thought that the link would direct us to one's webpage.

Pas baca judulnya aja gak enak.

Scrolling down.


Ini sebuah website, blog, damn whatever. The great news? It's a school blogs. Those people, with such bloody proud, bolding their names on the post and screaming cursing other religion. Merasa paling suci, or what?

The problem is, mereka gak cuma bawa-bawa genocide untuk agama yg mereka tunjuk. Mereka yang mengaku paling suci malah mengggunakan kata-kata paling kotor, kasar, dan (sorry) binatang yang pernah didenger manusia. Lucu, gw jadi curiga ya jangan-jangan yang mereka sebut itu justru their wildest imagination.

Angry? Am not. Exactly, I feel sorry for them.
Sorry and disgust.

A little girl could cry reading those words. How unhuman those people are. No, I'm not pointing at one beliefs. Only to those who wrote in it. Mereka merasa paling tahu, padahal jelas-jelas bukan kepercayaan mereka. Kitab suci itu sastra. Bukan literatur pasti. And they interpretated it as if they were still the kindergardens. Worse.

And these people, they run a school? OH YEA RIGHT congratulations.

Seriously, you can't just wooshing around and demolished one religion in order to make them one in your religion. I'm not 'that' religious, but seriously people, wake up! Apa sih bagusnya maksain keyakinan seseorang? Jangan bawa-bawa memusnahkan satu agama lain deh. Fine, you think you got the greatest of all? Keep it. Just keep it for yourself. Gak usah memulai percikan api yang harusnya gak ada.

Dipikir gampang?

Menyatukan satu negara dengan puluhan budaya, ideologi, dan keyakinan susahnya setengah hidup. Sekarang pun belum bisa dibilang satu kok. Not yet. Our people are separated in balance way, the traditionals and the moderns.

Man, people keep on forgetting that we have only one God. Just one. No last name, first name, middle name, family name, address, or different phone number. No. Just one. God. It's just the values in each beliefs that sometimes make the difference. Is it true that religion is a static theorm? I don't know, go figure yourself.

And the same questions occured once again.
Is this question could never be answered? Hope not.

If God created such universal love, why is it so hard for human to love?

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