Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Five more to go

Hello, Tuesday!

Hari-hari ini banyak banget ya yang bisa diceritain, since two weeks ago actually. First of all, kita mulai dari kesibukan gw yang baru yakni berenang setiap dua minggu sekali. Such a huge proggress, since I usually swim every once in two years haha. To be honest, it wasn't that bad. Not bad after all. Walaupun dengan badan setinggi dan sebesar ini masih norak pakai pelampung ngalahin anak kelas 2 sd (memalukan tapi harus diakui kalo ada satu hari dimana temen les gw adalah anak kelas 2 sd), but first thing first : mengalahkan rasa takut. Pengalaman masa lalu yg pernah tenggelam sendirian ternyata memang traumatis. Begitu digeret ke kolam dua meter, teriak-teriak panik. Kaki kecipak-kecipuk, tangan pegangan sekuat hati, trus berdoanya kenceeeng ngalahin arus kolam. Gak kebayang apa rasanya diving. Setelah beberapa kali oke juga sih gaya bebas gaya katak udah lulus tanpa remedial..


Decoration, wuzz.

Ini adalah pekerjaan selama dua minggu terakhir. Sangat sangat amat menyita waktu emosi dan tenaga. Haha, but fun have to say. A slower way to say goodbye to my uniforms and school. Awalnya kita cuma berenam sih, si Joseph rajanya perlengkapan trus si Marco nasi-goreng-Tara, si Lydia kembarannya Kirsten Dunst, si Monik yang kecilnya minta-ampun, sama si Dince-marince (baca : Dinar). Awalnya terlihat sangat amat simpel dan gak menyita waktu banyak, ujungnya? Persepsi belaka. Haha. Mulai dari banner kain sampai detail yang kadang kita lupa. Anyway, ceritanya nanti ajalah ya, gak surprise dong kalo dibuka disini sekarang?


It's been a while since I'm not dancing every once a week! Semenjak awal tahun 2010 datang, gw officially berhenti dance. Sigh. Kangen Kizabballu banget deeeh :') Anyway, we're back on track to prepare our perform at the prom night! Our very last show in high school. Can't wait. We usually dance hip hop, but we got another surprise for everybody later Monday!

Just wait, and see..

By the way thanks to Ignatia Adya, I'm going to take jazz ballet starting next week. I've been craving for jazz ballet course since I was the 10th grader but these and those always make me took that idea aside. Since my duty will end by Monday, I'll have a lot of extra time to take summer classes or some sort of that. At first, I was planning to take French (Intensive) Summer Class at CCF. After I checked on their schedule, I threw up. Haha, seriously, I mean.. five days a week and four hours a day for 8 weeks. It's exhausting and lack of FUN! Languange is fun! But learning French that way is so so wrong.. Enam bulan juga lupa. Taruhan.

Anyway, I'll take my jazz ballet class at Namarina. My eldest cousin was also taking jazz ballet class at Namarina, but now she's way away in Netherlands. Seriously I can't wait until next Friday!

Hari-hari ini I'm totally occupied sama dekorasi.

Since I'm responsible of the overall decoration, I gotta stand by all the time. All things must come after the decoration is done.

Again, priority comes first.
So when those latest routines come at once, ya dengan sangat terpaksa hal-hal selain dekorasi harus dinomorduakan. Sigh.

Contoh : besok.

A friend of mine kasih kabar kalo besok ada public lecture si Lech Walesa di Universitas Paramadina. Setelah cari tahu lebih lanjut ternyata dia sudah mampir di Kolese Kanisius terlebih dahulu! A Nobel Peace Prize Winner and Former President of Poland. Jam berapa? Setengah dua. Itu sih masih sibuk mondar-mandir di Aula. Dan si Utami Sandyarani dengan sangat menyebalkannya malah FREE! Jadilah dia yang dateng. Haaaaaahh, bete...

Kalo udah begini pasti besok counting down menuju jam setengah dua deh trus mau gangguin Tami ah selama acara mau bbm terus hahaha gak deh Tam, but you owe me the whole package of story!

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