Later today, I went to this NGO Fair at Fakultas FISIP Universitas Indonesia (Depok). You know what NGO stands for, rite? Well in case you're still try to figure it put in your head, I'll let you know. NGO is the Non-Governmental Organization. This NGO Fair was specifically held by HI UI.
I don't walk to talk about the Fair, because to be honest I was rather dissapointed. As usual, too much expectations without knowing the warfare. Anyway, untung saja begitu datang dikasih selebaran, well some sort of catalogue to be exact. I love the catalogue more...
I'm not going to talk about this NGO Fair. I'm about to talk out loud about my opinion, my own opinion without any following data. This come from a conversation with one friend of mine when we dicussed about some issue.
First of all is the most happening issue and it's been the headlines for a while. The news also caught up by Times and E! Entertainment News. Proud? Not even close. Guess what? Ariel-Luna Maya-Cut Tari. Well, later today I opened and guess what? The headline sounded like this, "The police found another 30 videos" next to Ariel's close up photo. Surprise, surprise! - not. I mean since the very beginning of its emergence, lots of discussiopn forum talked about these another 30 videos. Sorry policemen, you're too late. Names were rising from Luna Maya, Cut Tari, Dian Sastrowardoyo, Bunga Citra Lestari, etc. Dian Sastrowardoyo, can you believe it? I always see her as a role model among the Indonesian actresses. When I told my dad about this, all he said was "She's Dian Sastro right? Not an Angel." He's got his point. I am sick. Everytime I turn on the Indonesian tv, all the channels are broadcasting about this video. Or another rising gossip among the housewives or "ibu-ibu rt" is Anang-Krisdayanti-Raul-Syahrini-Atta. You know, I still don't get the idea why in the world this people want to spoil their personal, I mean very personal life, on the tv screen. They present their marriage life like some sort of soap opera! Even much more entertaining.... to be mock at. Pardon my language, but if these are the kind of show which are being offered to the children.. how pathetic. When will this nation's mentality grow? Just, tell me. I rarely, very rare, watch Indonesian tv nowadays. Sinetron and the entertainment gossip are very insulting my intelligence. All I saw was tears, getting hurt, revenge, and being tortured. Being a good person means you will be kissing others foot and these people screw the real meaning of religion and love.
Everything in this country is being exaggerated. Mana Bhinneka Tunggal Ika? Mana Bersatu Kita Teguh, Bercerai Kita Runtuh? Teori. Teori itu semua teori. The entertainment bussiness could be so much cruel than the political bussiness. Why? Because the entertainment bussiness 'touch' the society's moral values. In Indonesia, such things like moral and religion are very fragile to be discussed. People put religion upon everything. These people are not everyone, I was talking about such people who're representing their organizations like FPI, etc. What's the use for them to banned the people to dress without sleeves? Or to decide which one is illegitimate and not? Tell me, who are they? Gods? No, they're humans. They don't even own any more priveledges compare to any other human.
"Religion has killed more people than heroin has ever did." (Najwa Shihab)
And I just can't agree more. Krisdayanti and Raul kissed each other in public. For the next two weeks, all of the tv shows (as in entertainment gossip channel) are going to talk about it. Then people from Yayasan Perlindungan Anak and blablabla will talk about how it has disturbed the education for children. People are so easy lured with such moral issues. Well different family can has different point of moral values..and here we are standing among the 200 mill people, we will never be finished talking about this morality thing. It's way too complicated to connect the law with this moral issue. After they kissed, people talked about they shoul had arrested and jailed for 2 years. For a kiss? Now tell me, why does Bakrie still can sit on his lazy chair in his castle and enjoy an afternoon tea? Corruption is not a moral issue? Well I say, people who have ever done the corruption upon the nation's money is much more worse than a murder. They have made this country hide in its desperation, people lives in their suffer.
Who has less morality now?
Anang Krisdayanti Raul Atta Syahrini. Blah. I find everybody's wrong. Krisdayanti acted like such a bitch, fine, what did Anang do? After he announced their separation, in no time he has found Syahrini. And yet he just dated her and act as if they'd get married soon ever since. Pity. Because all I see is a little boy who's trying to take a revenge over his lover. He has just got divorced and despite taking care of his broken-hearted children, he dated another girl in no time? Well, people have different consideration tho, I don't have the rights to talk anyway. Just can't believe how come they sell their life to the public? KD cheated on his husband, take this guy from his family...and she felt unbelieveably un-guilty? ......Amen.
Porn video is not a new thing. Internet provides all the porn you need, isn't that what they say? It's like our country has cleaned for years about porn. Ah, c'mon. They only thing that matters is they're the public figures. On the top of the staircase to popularity. I'm not saying they're unguilty, but please don't treat them as if you're a saint. Suit them for what they break in Indonesian law, but it's not like they're planning to spread it off at the first place.
Ah, Indonesia..
Now talking about one of the global issue. Climate change. Poverty. Do you think the poverty will ever ends? I'm not being pessimistic, but I don't think so. It's like an opposite theory on earth that has to life together for one balance. Good and bad. Right and wrong. Rich and poor. Life and death.
"Starvation is a great aphrodisiac."
People are easier to control under the pressure, especially when it comes to economic pressure these days. Money holds a very important place, we can't say no to that. At least at the top three of your priority, especially when you've a family of your own. I was reading the MDG's and although they mentioned their success on decreasing the percentage of the world's poverty, I still seeing my people starving. Crawling for a penny or two. Where's my government? A new land in Jakarta is being opened every single day. Hospital between the residence? Limbahnya mau dikemanain? What about AMDAL? I couldn't even imagine the complexity to deal with 200 mill people, separated through the land and sea, with all it's difference - the basic difference, culture. Living under the standard of living, means living without insurance. Right? This's what's going on in our country. As long the people are starving, people are not getting the proper education to compete even with the people in their country..they'll be so easy to be provocated. Remember how was this country in '65?
I hate the fact that SBY made songs. Tell me, it made me quite furious. What the hell was he doing? Leave the song to the others, will you? There're so many artist in this country, let's say Trisum, they could make a great quality songs. Not saying that a president can't make his own songs, but please dear Sir, your country needs to eat, not to listen to some songs that'll built the nasionalism. The nationalism will grow itself as the people have their faith on their government! And am not talking about the middle class, I'm talking about the underground class.
People in Indonesia, the youths, including me of course, we are starting to provoke people in this country about the nationalism. But tell me again, can you built a self confidence thru the talking? Without the person tries himself or see the fact of some confidence? Mostly not. And that's exactly what's happening with built in the nationalism to the Indonesian. Even the educated people find it hard to trust the country, the government, THE SYSTEM.
I'm not going to just underestimate my Indonesia. To be frank, such issues as corruption and mafia of law happen in every country. But this country provide very little amount of wealth insurance to its own people. The moderate class people walking inside the malls, the upper class people hiding behind the wall of their malls, and the under class people doesn't even have the guts to go inside the malls. It'll make them some sort of spectacle.
And it's us. Who call them, "kampungan", "norak", "alay". Think again. We're labelling them. We even build a wall to each other, like if we ever touch them we'll be suffered by a disease.
I know these human rights issues are very dillematique. But if we just keep thinking that way, well people just forget any happy ending.
Climate change. I'm sick reading the news about how people such exaggerate this issue, well 'better', they even make this issue to be such a potential bussiness to be ran. Impressive, right? Green paper bag, green plastic bag, green community, all-new-green residence, bla bla bla... guess what, each house costs a billion. I thought God was giving us the green nature for free. Aren't you ashame? Well the least government can do is pull all the plastic bag in the supermarkets and told them to exchange the plastic bag with the paper bag. Done, end of story. Well, maybe it's not as easy as it said, but then again government has more authorization to do so. Not the bussinessmen.
"Climate Change Conference" - I've been bored reading the titled on the newspapers. Big time companies and all presidents from all over the world. They're welcome with the world class service, the price is definitely to infinity and beyond, yet remind me please were there any meaningful agreement between them? No. They're not talking about the nature rereservation, they're talking about themselves! Their bussiness, their gain and loss.. I wish someone send them back to when they were 8. Because back then, all you want to be is someone... good.
The green revolution was the turning point of everything. It's the start of revolution industy to the nature and it's a time machine bomb. Then again, who could have guessed? People weren't that aware of such environmental issues like these days, the technology weren't that well.
You know what the funny part is? Today's people..we're trying so hard to get back to the nature. While actually, there's nothing wrong with the nature. The nature will always be balanced, it's not trying to ruining itself - it's just trying to keep the ecosystem as balanced as it was. We've warned with all the worst thing that could possibly happen to the nature, nobody cares. Wrong, some does care. But we always need a government to make it something big, to take a real action. Well, where's our government? They're busy trying to manipulating the amount of currency so it looks like we're close to the big republic such as USA.
Some educated people even dumber than the kindegardens. Close to my place, they're building two new hospitals. Two. Okay, I know it's a public facility but where are you going to throw the waste? They're two big hospitals and standing in the middle of the community residence. Fancy residence? Not close. Just some old village you won't notice. See? And these people, they don't even aware of what's threatening them.
This is the problem in the developing country. But if everytime we talk about this country we ended up in that line, kapan kita mau maju? Everything needs a first move. And it takes the courage of some big names. It takes an idealism. Idealism is not a lasagna, you shouldn't eat it and throw it away to the junk. It's you.
I sounded like a freak, am I? Like wanting to be a superman, saving the world while I'm standing by myself. But seeing those things are breaking my heart. We're humans and we're the one who has less heart in the human rights issues. We sell others, we make the woman an object! Those FPI guys, even the MUI, everyday mereka sibuk bikin fatwa haram yang baru. Mereka sibuk permasalahkan siapa berhubungan seksual dengan siapa dan siapa mencium siapa. Who are you, God? How many wifes do you got? They act as if they're saint and they don't even carry a name that suitable for a saint. I'm being harsh, wtv. But I bet you won't be offended if you're doing any of those.
It's... pathetic.
People, what kind of world do you want?
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
Diet, Diet, Diet!
Oke, I'm officially depressed by now. I was woking up at eleven, I've never been waking up at evelen for 18 years! Well, since the World Cup Final is early this very morning.... I got to bed at five.
Anyway, since this holiday has started I've been wanting to improve my health. My family is a big fan of foods. Thank God I don't look like one of them in the Biggest Loser tv show today. The problem is... saya sangat suka makanan manis dan ngemil. Food is one of my mood booster. Especially during the very-stressfull week! Like the exams. But as long as I keep walking, it can lose my appetite in a zip. Giliran duduk manis, mulutnya gak tahan gak ngunyah. Food is a guilty pleasure, you gotta admit that. I prefer those European American foods (bikin makin parah aja deh). I mean I prefer Fetucinni to Soto Ayam. That's the simplest example.
So, inspired by Sherina and Dewi Lestari, I was planning to be a veggie, have a detox. Guess what? Gagal. Total. -____________-
Even the holiday is almost over! Groooaarrr *grauk-grauk tanah*
My mom and dad didn't agree if I do a detox diet. I know, I know... I mean the doctors themselves are saying that detox diet is not necessary to be done. Your body can naturally do the natural detox for your body. But if you want to, it's okay to do it every once or twice in a year. Not more.
I was planning to do the detox diet after I get to Bandung. But after I checked the rules, sepertinya saya bisa mati kelaparan kalo begitu caranya sambil kuliah. So I thought better to do the detox thing every once a month at a weekend. How's that sound?
One thing clear, gw bawa blender ke kostan. Nyeh.
After I finished googling about the detox diet thing, gw beralih ke diet golongan darah. I start to sound very obsessed with this diet thingy huh? Hahaha, I've been too fat these days, too many fat in my body. Holiday virus, I know. I used to dance twice a week, do a basketball, and self exercise at home. Now what's left is the self exercise and swimming! Hahaha for God sake, finally I can swim!
A friend of mine had done this apple diet. Just eat apples. Menurut gw gak sehat. And to be honest, gw mau menurunkan berat badan bukan mau mati kelaparan. Please. I want to be slim and healthy at the same time. And I know you gotta work an excercise with your body, kalo gak mah kurusnya gak kenceng (dibahas).
So here's the diet untuk golongan darah golongan A:
My next question, apakah sebaiknya gw berubah bentuk jadi kambing saja? Sigh.
Read the 'makanan-yang-dihindari' part. It's killing me! Coconut? Es kelapa muda is my favorit in the whole world. Meat! Honey! Potato! CHEESE! I hardly imagine I'm living without cheese. Pizza is heaven and you cannot eat pizza without the double times twist cheese. Mozarella has made to be eat! Crab! Ergh.
Even my recently done sports, tennis and swimming works better untuk golongan darah B. Well, I don't buy that part. I simply think that you can do any sport you want! But I know yoga is very interesting. Maybe I'll take the class.
So, will I do this diet?
I'll let you know.
Anyway, since this holiday has started I've been wanting to improve my health. My family is a big fan of foods. Thank God I don't look like one of them in the Biggest Loser tv show today. The problem is... saya sangat suka makanan manis dan ngemil. Food is one of my mood booster. Especially during the very-stressfull week! Like the exams. But as long as I keep walking, it can lose my appetite in a zip. Giliran duduk manis, mulutnya gak tahan gak ngunyah. Food is a guilty pleasure, you gotta admit that. I prefer those European American foods (bikin makin parah aja deh). I mean I prefer Fetucinni to Soto Ayam. That's the simplest example.
So, inspired by Sherina and Dewi Lestari, I was planning to be a veggie, have a detox. Guess what? Gagal. Total. -____________-
Even the holiday is almost over! Groooaarrr *grauk-grauk tanah*
My mom and dad didn't agree if I do a detox diet. I know, I know... I mean the doctors themselves are saying that detox diet is not necessary to be done. Your body can naturally do the natural detox for your body. But if you want to, it's okay to do it every once or twice in a year. Not more.
I was planning to do the detox diet after I get to Bandung. But after I checked the rules, sepertinya saya bisa mati kelaparan kalo begitu caranya sambil kuliah. So I thought better to do the detox thing every once a month at a weekend. How's that sound?
One thing clear, gw bawa blender ke kostan. Nyeh.
After I finished googling about the detox diet thing, gw beralih ke diet golongan darah. I start to sound very obsessed with this diet thingy huh? Hahaha, I've been too fat these days, too many fat in my body. Holiday virus, I know. I used to dance twice a week, do a basketball, and self exercise at home. Now what's left is the self exercise and swimming! Hahaha for God sake, finally I can swim!
A friend of mine had done this apple diet. Just eat apples. Menurut gw gak sehat. And to be honest, gw mau menurunkan berat badan bukan mau mati kelaparan. Please. I want to be slim and healthy at the same time. And I know you gotta work an excercise with your body, kalo gak mah kurusnya gak kenceng (dibahas).
So here's the diet untuk golongan darah golongan A:
Diet untuk golongan darah A yang dianjurkan adalah makanan tinggi karbohidrat dan rendah lemak.
Makanan yang sangat bermanfaat: bayam, brokoli, wortel, jamur ikan mas, kacang tanah, kacang buncis, kacang/susu kedelai, tahu, tempe, tepung beras, blueberry, minyak zaitun, ikan mas, ikan sardine.
Makanan yang netral: ikan tuna, telur ayam&bebek, telur puyuh, minyak wijen, biji bunga matahari, kacang ercis/kapri, jagung, tapioca, roti gandum, labu, bawang merah, mentimun, talas, anggur, melon, blewah, pir, delima, kurma, stroberi, kesemek, jambu biji, daging ayam.
Makanan yang dihindari: daging (sapi, bebek, kelinci, ayam hutan, lobster, gurita, kepiting, belut, kodok, udang, cumi), mentega, susu sapi, keju, es krim, susu murni, acar, terong, tomat, ubi, kentang, jeruk, kelapa/santan, melon, madu, pisang (raja), pepaya, pare, air soda.
Olahraga yang cocok dilakukan: yoga, tai chi, meditasi
My next question, apakah sebaiknya gw berubah bentuk jadi kambing saja? Sigh.
Read the 'makanan-yang-dihindari' part. It's killing me! Coconut? Es kelapa muda is my favorit in the whole world. Meat! Honey! Potato! CHEESE! I hardly imagine I'm living without cheese. Pizza is heaven and you cannot eat pizza without the double times twist cheese. Mozarella has made to be eat! Crab! Ergh.
Even my recently done sports, tennis and swimming works better untuk golongan darah B. Well, I don't buy that part. I simply think that you can do any sport you want! But I know yoga is very interesting. Maybe I'll take the class.
So, will I do this diet?
I'll let you know.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Disneyland, you'll never too old.
I finally come to the day when I feel the true definition of holiday. Since I was little, my dad sort of give me a sign that holiday means going somewhere you love, quite away from home for a while. To see a new world you've never seen before. Or if you have, it's definitely your favourite ones.
A time off.
Like every other children in the world, I grow up very fond of Disney. Who doesn't?
I know I'm 18 by now, but after you spend the whole day in the Disneyland, you'll understand how magical it is. That magical sparks that Tinkerbell has, it isn't just a fairytale, it's surrounding the Fantasy Land (Fantasy Park, I should say).
Disneyland Hong Kong wasn't as big as the one in the U.S. Never been to both of them before, but the first flower in July show me one in Hong Kong. Don't ask about how croded it was, it was worst than traffic in Jakarta. But the funny thing is, you still get much of the excitement.
What they did in the Disneyland, were just.. amazing. Wow, terrific.
After my 100th steps, I kinda remembered about Ancol. Ngek. Kebanting abis mending gak usah dipikir deh kalo gitu. But I love to have one of this kind back home.
Main Street USA.
Fantasy Land.
The Main Street USA looked a lot like the real one and I simply deeply love it! There was this one bakery, and the food was utterly delicious! I can live there you know. And I fell in love with one ceramics-made in the Crystal Arts corner, it's the seven dwarfs walking on a log. Here's a picture...

Thanks God it's Saturday! Special events always showing on the weekends.
When we had the walked-in by the gate, some of the orchestra band welcomed us to the Fantasy Land. They're good I ain't kididng. Some characters showed up themselves, paling tenar ya si Mickey Minnie. Padahal, gua sendiri gak pernah terlalu suka sama mereka loh. Somehow. But I mean, Mickey's the original Disney's icon.
They made a replica of Tarzan's forest.
The main attractions, such as Opera House in 3D yang bikin gw bengong pengen teriak 'We want more, we want more' sama Masnya trus the Golden Mickey yang for the record super rapi dan mengalahkan semua pentas musical theatre yang pernah gw lihat seumur hidup (I watched it for free bahkan). Jangan senang dulu, my favorite one adalah Festival of the Lion King! I love love love Lion King since I was bocah cuma jalan sana-sini pake baju monyet rambut pendek dan masih punya tindikan di telinga. Lucu banget tentunya hahaha kidding.
The song. The cast. They're crazy, they're THE professionals.
You just have to go there and watch it. Like I wanted to keep it all in one music box and hit the replay button everytime I want, everytime I go to bed. Most of the cast are African, jadi udah kebayang kan kualitas suara orang hitam gimana? Well, you got it. They dance like only ballerina can dance.
Okay gw tetep gak berani naik roller coaster. Gimana ya naik kora-kora aja pengen muntah nangis takut ngeri pengen pingsan, gimana roller coaster. Dan Papa dengan polosnya bilang, " Ayolah cuma 5 menit kok!" krik-krik eh cepet banget ya lima menit mah gw terbang kali hahaha salah banget perumpamaannya malah bikin makin gak mau.
We watched some of the parades.
The Rain Parade and The Summer Parade. The air just make you never stop smiling.
One thing that hit my brain like crazy was the closing of the Disneyland. They presented the fireworks, 'Disney in the Stars'. I imagined it'll be short-period, like those they have in the movies.
Dan ternyata...
a half an hour. And it was not just a fireworks show. It was the definition of magical. The fireworks were like dancing in the sky! One by one in an amazing rythme. The songs the fireworks the sky, together they combined the true definition of georgeus above the Disney's castle. The castle keep changing colour and showing pictures as the songs echoed inside the Park.
What a night, what a day.
If you looked around while you're in the Disneyland, everyone's back at the age eight or ten. The adults, the 65-ers. No age limits to living your dream in Disneyland. It brings back, realive a child inside of you. And I watched some of the old couples walking around together, it's just too sweet you know :)
So here are my very favorite Disney characters:
Donald Duck.
Ariel the Mermaid.
Simba of the Lion King.
You know, during my staying I was reading this book called 'the Five People You Meet in Heaven' by Mitch Albom. Funny. When I read it, ada satu line yang sangat persis dengan yang gw dapet di Disneyland.
There's a little guy inside every man.
In the other hand, a little girl is very close to dreams. Fantasy. I think you can be mature enough if you accept the existance of that little guy/girl inside yourself. The little girl is to make sure you have your dreams with you, whle the big girl is to make sure you're making the reasonable choices and keep the consistence with you to achieve your dreams. While walking, I was trying to remember all the path that i've chosen. I wasn't regreting any of them, what's the use anyway? But I know some of them haven't been my best decisions.
I gotta make a big one during my leave off to college. The sooner the better I guess. Inside the plane home, I wrote down every little dreams that I've ever had. And all I got to do is glue it to my forehead so every big D I'll make is to achieve it. Life and love can sometimes twist you in the brain and forget your own idealism.
Haha, and they say I think too much sometimes.
A time off.
Like every other children in the world, I grow up very fond of Disney. Who doesn't?
I know I'm 18 by now, but after you spend the whole day in the Disneyland, you'll understand how magical it is. That magical sparks that Tinkerbell has, it isn't just a fairytale, it's surrounding the Fantasy Land (Fantasy Park, I should say).
Disneyland Hong Kong wasn't as big as the one in the U.S. Never been to both of them before, but the first flower in July show me one in Hong Kong. Don't ask about how croded it was, it was worst than traffic in Jakarta. But the funny thing is, you still get much of the excitement.
What they did in the Disneyland, were just.. amazing. Wow, terrific.
After my 100th steps, I kinda remembered about Ancol. Ngek. Kebanting abis mending gak usah dipikir deh kalo gitu. But I love to have one of this kind back home.
Main Street USA.
Fantasy Land.
The Main Street USA looked a lot like the real one and I simply deeply love it! There was this one bakery, and the food was utterly delicious! I can live there you know. And I fell in love with one ceramics-made in the Crystal Arts corner, it's the seven dwarfs walking on a log. Here's a picture...
Thanks God it's Saturday! Special events always showing on the weekends.
When we had the walked-in by the gate, some of the orchestra band welcomed us to the Fantasy Land. They're good I ain't kididng. Some characters showed up themselves, paling tenar ya si Mickey Minnie. Padahal, gua sendiri gak pernah terlalu suka sama mereka loh. Somehow. But I mean, Mickey's the original Disney's icon.
They made a replica of Tarzan's forest.
The main attractions, such as Opera House in 3D yang bikin gw bengong pengen teriak 'We want more, we want more' sama Masnya trus the Golden Mickey yang for the record super rapi dan mengalahkan semua pentas musical theatre yang pernah gw lihat seumur hidup (I watched it for free bahkan). Jangan senang dulu, my favorite one adalah Festival of the Lion King! I love love love Lion King since I was bocah cuma jalan sana-sini pake baju monyet rambut pendek dan masih punya tindikan di telinga. Lucu banget tentunya hahaha kidding.
The song. The cast. They're crazy, they're THE professionals.
You just have to go there and watch it. Like I wanted to keep it all in one music box and hit the replay button everytime I want, everytime I go to bed. Most of the cast are African, jadi udah kebayang kan kualitas suara orang hitam gimana? Well, you got it. They dance like only ballerina can dance.
Okay gw tetep gak berani naik roller coaster. Gimana ya naik kora-kora aja pengen muntah nangis takut ngeri pengen pingsan, gimana roller coaster. Dan Papa dengan polosnya bilang, " Ayolah cuma 5 menit kok!" krik-krik eh cepet banget ya lima menit mah gw terbang kali hahaha salah banget perumpamaannya malah bikin makin gak mau.
We watched some of the parades.
The Rain Parade and The Summer Parade. The air just make you never stop smiling.
One thing that hit my brain like crazy was the closing of the Disneyland. They presented the fireworks, 'Disney in the Stars'. I imagined it'll be short-period, like those they have in the movies.
Dan ternyata...
a half an hour. And it was not just a fireworks show. It was the definition of magical. The fireworks were like dancing in the sky! One by one in an amazing rythme. The songs the fireworks the sky, together they combined the true definition of georgeus above the Disney's castle. The castle keep changing colour and showing pictures as the songs echoed inside the Park.
What a night, what a day.
If you looked around while you're in the Disneyland, everyone's back at the age eight or ten. The adults, the 65-ers. No age limits to living your dream in Disneyland. It brings back, realive a child inside of you. And I watched some of the old couples walking around together, it's just too sweet you know :)
So here are my very favorite Disney characters:
Donald Duck.
Ariel the Mermaid.
Simba of the Lion King.
You know, during my staying I was reading this book called 'the Five People You Meet in Heaven' by Mitch Albom. Funny. When I read it, ada satu line yang sangat persis dengan yang gw dapet di Disneyland.
There's a little guy inside every man.
In the other hand, a little girl is very close to dreams. Fantasy. I think you can be mature enough if you accept the existance of that little guy/girl inside yourself. The little girl is to make sure you have your dreams with you, whle the big girl is to make sure you're making the reasonable choices and keep the consistence with you to achieve your dreams. While walking, I was trying to remember all the path that i've chosen. I wasn't regreting any of them, what's the use anyway? But I know some of them haven't been my best decisions.
I gotta make a big one during my leave off to college. The sooner the better I guess. Inside the plane home, I wrote down every little dreams that I've ever had. And all I got to do is glue it to my forehead so every big D I'll make is to achieve it. Life and love can sometimes twist you in the brain and forget your own idealism.
Haha, and they say I think too much sometimes.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Republik Yogyakarta!
Oke. So I write this down, finally. Inspired by a friend of mind, si anak bahasa yang luar biasa bahasa secara personal (you don't know I think that way about you kan, Nis?) Anyway, check her newest blog at
This 4-days trip sounds like Sisterhood of Travelling Pants. Hanya saja bukannya celana jeans yg kita punya kembaran, melainkan sepotong kaos I <3 NY yang tak lain tak bukan oleh-oleh dari si Tante CCF (that's how gw menyebut mamanya Nisa). There were four of us, all girls. Gw, Angela, Nisa, dan Myrna. Bule-Tionghoa-Batak-Jawa, we mix it all so well, didn't we?
If you happen to read Nisa's blog before reading this (which's my best suggestion), you'll figured that we weren't that people who stumbled into each other for forever. My history a lil' bit different with Nisa. Me and Angela has been best friend for 5 years now, she's the best of the best. Sendirinya memang agak menimbulkan ketergantungan sih and I can't believe I'm going to be so far away dari si Putri Yunani satu ini in less than a month. Myrna. I knew her longer than everybody else. Sejak sd. Bedanya, we've never been that close before. Yang jelas kita satu SD, satu anter-jemput, satu anak basket, dan mungkin the sparkling moment between both of us adalah saat gw sama Muni harus memilih anggota OSIS untuk masuk seksi kesenian kita. Myrna looked very appropriate, that's the turning point when we got closer. Setiap sore gw habiskan melihat Myrna dan mencubit Myrna, haha. Dan Nisa. Seriously Nis, kita pernah kenalan secara proper gak sih? Hahaha. Yang jelas aku super ngefans sama mamamu Nis, like everybody knows why. Anyway, rasanya baru sebentar kenal deket sama dia and we just... clicked. Jangan bilang cuma gw yg berasa Nis, haha. But yea I feel an outmost comfortable while talking to her. Seperti yg mama gw bilang, she looks mature(rer). She is. Dia sumber segala kesabaran deh, benar-benar wanita Jogja yang baik :)
Anyway, it's a huge success that we've finally hit Yogyakarta! Setelah segala konfrontasi desertasi dan pembicaraan dibalik layar gw sama Nisa dan dengan yang lain, kita putuskan jugalah untuk mengunjungi kotanya Nisa. She'll be there for the rest of her life, dan hawanya memang PAS banget sama Nisa. I know she'll do great there.
So, should I go with details? Gw gak tau harus mulai darimana, dan yakin ini bakal curhat satu episode sinetron kalo dilanjutin.
The trip was fabulous. Setelah kereta terlambat tiga jam padahal semua semangat '45 ada di ujung tanduk, akhirnya kita duduk di kereta dan begitu dibagiin donut kita malah tambah seneng karena udah telat. Apalagi depan kita kosong (tadinya si Putri Yunani udah mau ngetag si donut tapi kalah sama bocah-bocah di belakang kita yang ribut dan lucunya minta ampun). Gw sama Nisa dengan suksesnya hampir gak tidur sama sekali sementara si Myrna-Myrni tidurnya luar biasa nyenyak! We touched down Yogya by nine o'clock tanpa ada minat nonton bola lagi dan disambut di rumah Eyangnya Nisa yg really reminds me sama rumah Oma back in Surabaya. Next day, Nisa ke UGM dan dengan modal kaki gw, Myrna, Angela keliling dari Malioboro sampai Keraton sampai kita gak sanggup jalan dan bertiga naik becak dengan posisi gw dipangku. Sangat eye catchy. Ngek. That night kita makan gudeg trus nonton bola (tetep). Besoknya adalah perjalanan paling panjang. Hasrat gw sama Myrna yang demi Tuhan craving mau liat pantai akhirnya terkabul, Pantai Sepanjang. Reminds me a lot tentang Lombok. Mulai dari jalan menuju pantai sampai akhirnya kita lihat sendiri itu lautan luas! "Ah, SURGA."
Pak Harjo serius beneran mirip banget sama Pak Nalih loh Nis. Ternyata Nisa sangat picky dalam memilih supirnya, mukanya aja harus mirip. Hahaha. Hari terakhir kita kembali hit Malioboro dan Rumah Makan Ramintjen. Cie Ramintjen. Yang jelas kita bengong semua liat Masnya bentuknya sebelas-dua belas sama Dorce. Trus temen gw bilang itu syarat kerja disana. Hah, yang bener aja. Anyway we met a friend of mine di Yogya, accidentaly on purpose to be exact. Trus si pria-Jogja-baik-hati ini bawa kita ke Masangin. Quite a way to spend an afternoon.
So anyway, four days were too fast. I really learn a lot during the trip. Learn how to be a good friend and to appreciate a friendship like your own life. Dan maaf ya gw tau ada satu malem I was super freaking tired trus jadi kemana-mana aja gw diem dan nurut, di otak gw - pengen duduk. And yet, terima kasih loh hari terakhir mau menerima temen gw dengan sangat baik. It's beyond our usual thing to meet someone out of the blue.
Sakit hati dengernya haha. Anyway, our next trip is gonna be Bali kan, mewujudkan cita yang tertunda. Be good you guys. I love you, at most.
Distance can't do us apart
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