A time off.
Like every other children in the world, I grow up very fond of Disney. Who doesn't?
I know I'm 18 by now, but after you spend the whole day in the Disneyland, you'll understand how magical it is. That magical sparks that Tinkerbell has, it isn't just a fairytale, it's surrounding the Fantasy Land (Fantasy Park, I should say).
Disneyland Hong Kong wasn't as big as the one in the U.S. Never been to both of them before, but the first flower in July show me one in Hong Kong. Don't ask about how croded it was, it was worst than traffic in Jakarta. But the funny thing is, you still get much of the excitement.
What they did in the Disneyland, were just.. amazing. Wow, terrific.
After my 100th steps, I kinda remembered about Ancol. Ngek. Kebanting abis mending gak usah dipikir deh kalo gitu. But I love to have one of this kind back home.
Main Street USA.
Fantasy Land.
The Main Street USA looked a lot like the real one and I simply deeply love it! There was this one bakery, and the food was utterly delicious! I can live there you know. And I fell in love with one ceramics-made in the Crystal Arts corner, it's the seven dwarfs walking on a log. Here's a picture...
Thanks God it's Saturday! Special events always showing on the weekends.
When we had the walked-in by the gate, some of the orchestra band welcomed us to the Fantasy Land. They're good I ain't kididng. Some characters showed up themselves, paling tenar ya si Mickey Minnie. Padahal, gua sendiri gak pernah terlalu suka sama mereka loh. Somehow. But I mean, Mickey's the original Disney's icon.
They made a replica of Tarzan's forest.
The main attractions, such as Opera House in 3D yang bikin gw bengong pengen teriak 'We want more, we want more' sama Masnya trus the Golden Mickey yang for the record super rapi dan mengalahkan semua pentas musical theatre yang pernah gw lihat seumur hidup (I watched it for free bahkan). Jangan senang dulu, my favorite one adalah Festival of the Lion King! I love love love Lion King since I was bocah cuma jalan sana-sini pake baju monyet rambut pendek dan masih punya tindikan di telinga. Lucu banget tentunya hahaha kidding.
The song. The cast. They're crazy, they're THE professionals.
You just have to go there and watch it. Like I wanted to keep it all in one music box and hit the replay button everytime I want, everytime I go to bed. Most of the cast are African, jadi udah kebayang kan kualitas suara orang hitam gimana? Well, you got it. They dance like only ballerina can dance.
Okay gw tetep gak berani naik roller coaster. Gimana ya naik kora-kora aja pengen muntah nangis takut ngeri pengen pingsan, gimana roller coaster. Dan Papa dengan polosnya bilang, " Ayolah cuma 5 menit kok!" krik-krik eh cepet banget ya lima menit mah gw terbang kali hahaha salah banget perumpamaannya malah bikin makin gak mau.
We watched some of the parades.
The Rain Parade and The Summer Parade. The air just make you never stop smiling.
One thing that hit my brain like crazy was the closing of the Disneyland. They presented the fireworks, 'Disney in the Stars'. I imagined it'll be short-period, like those they have in the movies.
Dan ternyata...
a half an hour. And it was not just a fireworks show. It was the definition of magical. The fireworks were like dancing in the sky! One by one in an amazing rythme. The songs the fireworks the sky, together they combined the true definition of georgeus above the Disney's castle. The castle keep changing colour and showing pictures as the songs echoed inside the Park.
What a night, what a day.
If you looked around while you're in the Disneyland, everyone's back at the age eight or ten. The adults, the 65-ers. No age limits to living your dream in Disneyland. It brings back, realive a child inside of you. And I watched some of the old couples walking around together, it's just too sweet you know :)
So here are my very favorite Disney characters:
Donald Duck.
Ariel the Mermaid.
Simba of the Lion King.
You know, during my staying I was reading this book called 'the Five People You Meet in Heaven' by Mitch Albom. Funny. When I read it, ada satu line yang sangat persis dengan yang gw dapet di Disneyland.
There's a little guy inside every man.
In the other hand, a little girl is very close to dreams. Fantasy. I think you can be mature enough if you accept the existance of that little guy/girl inside yourself. The little girl is to make sure you have your dreams with you, whle the big girl is to make sure you're making the reasonable choices and keep the consistence with you to achieve your dreams. While walking, I was trying to remember all the path that i've chosen. I wasn't regreting any of them, what's the use anyway? But I know some of them haven't been my best decisions.
I gotta make a big one during my leave off to college. The sooner the better I guess. Inside the plane home, I wrote down every little dreams that I've ever had. And all I got to do is glue it to my forehead so every big D I'll make is to achieve it. Life and love can sometimes twist you in the brain and forget your own idealism.
Haha, and they say I think too much sometimes.
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