Anyway, since this holiday has started I've been wanting to improve my health. My family is a big fan of foods. Thank God I don't look like one of them in the Biggest Loser tv show today. The problem is... saya sangat suka makanan manis dan ngemil. Food is one of my mood booster. Especially during the very-stressfull week! Like the exams. But as long as I keep walking, it can lose my appetite in a zip. Giliran duduk manis, mulutnya gak tahan gak ngunyah. Food is a guilty pleasure, you gotta admit that. I prefer those European American foods (bikin makin parah aja deh). I mean I prefer Fetucinni to Soto Ayam. That's the simplest example.
So, inspired by Sherina and Dewi Lestari, I was planning to be a veggie, have a detox. Guess what? Gagal. Total. -____________-
Even the holiday is almost over! Groooaarrr *grauk-grauk tanah*
My mom and dad didn't agree if I do a detox diet. I know, I know... I mean the doctors themselves are saying that detox diet is not necessary to be done. Your body can naturally do the natural detox for your body. But if you want to, it's okay to do it every once or twice in a year. Not more.
I was planning to do the detox diet after I get to Bandung. But after I checked the rules, sepertinya saya bisa mati kelaparan kalo begitu caranya sambil kuliah. So I thought better to do the detox thing every once a month at a weekend. How's that sound?
One thing clear, gw bawa blender ke kostan. Nyeh.
After I finished googling about the detox diet thing, gw beralih ke diet golongan darah. I start to sound very obsessed with this diet thingy huh? Hahaha, I've been too fat these days, too many fat in my body. Holiday virus, I know. I used to dance twice a week, do a basketball, and self exercise at home. Now what's left is the self exercise and swimming! Hahaha for God sake, finally I can swim!
A friend of mine had done this apple diet. Just eat apples. Menurut gw gak sehat. And to be honest, gw mau menurunkan berat badan bukan mau mati kelaparan. Please. I want to be slim and healthy at the same time. And I know you gotta work an excercise with your body, kalo gak mah kurusnya gak kenceng (dibahas).
So here's the diet untuk golongan darah golongan A:
Diet untuk golongan darah A yang dianjurkan adalah makanan tinggi karbohidrat dan rendah lemak.
Makanan yang sangat bermanfaat: bayam, brokoli, wortel, jamur ikan mas, kacang tanah, kacang buncis, kacang/susu kedelai, tahu, tempe, tepung beras, blueberry, minyak zaitun, ikan mas, ikan sardine.
Makanan yang netral: ikan tuna, telur ayam&bebek, telur puyuh, minyak wijen, biji bunga matahari, kacang ercis/kapri, jagung, tapioca, roti gandum, labu, bawang merah, mentimun, talas, anggur, melon, blewah, pir, delima, kurma, stroberi, kesemek, jambu biji, daging ayam.
Makanan yang dihindari: daging (sapi, bebek, kelinci, ayam hutan, lobster, gurita, kepiting, belut, kodok, udang, cumi), mentega, susu sapi, keju, es krim, susu murni, acar, terong, tomat, ubi, kentang, jeruk, kelapa/santan, melon, madu, pisang (raja), pepaya, pare, air soda.
Olahraga yang cocok dilakukan: yoga, tai chi, meditasi
My next question, apakah sebaiknya gw berubah bentuk jadi kambing saja? Sigh.
Read the 'makanan-yang-dihindari' part. It's killing me! Coconut? Es kelapa muda is my favorit in the whole world. Meat! Honey! Potato! CHEESE! I hardly imagine I'm living without cheese. Pizza is heaven and you cannot eat pizza without the double times twist cheese. Mozarella has made to be eat! Crab! Ergh.
Even my recently done sports, tennis and swimming works better untuk golongan darah B. Well, I don't buy that part. I simply think that you can do any sport you want! But I know yoga is very interesting. Maybe I'll take the class.
So, will I do this diet?
I'll let you know.
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