"...rain is falling", okay am not gonna sing that. Hey, good morning everyone :) Tadi sebelum bangun I was like seeing my face in the mirror and blah, kantong mata gw bisa disejajarkan dengan kantung teh! Hebat sekali.
Anyway, this is gonna be very very super random. One of my interest is in movies, so after watching a bunch, gw mendapatkan ide nama utk anak gw (please deh) di kemudian hari. Haha. Guess who?
If it's a girl, am gonna named her Savannah.
And if it's a boy, am gonna named him Rafael.
If they're brothers and sister their names sounds.. ya kaya saudara.
Hehe. And that's all my post.
Random eh?
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
How to say Happy Birthday?
This is how I say 'Happy Birthday' - my way. I always think that heart could always be spoken through music, through songs. Lyrics, in particular. I have two favorite songs to give a perfect wish for someone you most care about. Or even for strangers. Your choice :)
Rascal Flatts - My Wish
I hope that the days come easy and the moments pass slow,
And each road leads you where you want to go,
And if you're faced with a choice, and you have to choose,
I hope you choose the one that means the most to you.
And if one door opens to another door closed,
I hope you keep on walkin' till you find the window,
If it's cold outside, show the world the warmth of your smile,
But more than anything, more than anything,
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish.
I hope you never look back, but ya never forget,
All the ones who love you, in the place you left,
I hope you always forgive, and you never regret,
And you help somebody every chance you get,
Oh, you find God's grace, in every mistake,
And you always give more than you take.
But more than anything, yeah, and more than anything,
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish.
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish.
This is my wish
I hope you know somebody loves you
May all your dreams stay big
I have an idea, what if you try to download and listen to the songs yourself?
Lady Antebellum - Never Alone
May the angels protect you
Trouble neglect you
And heaven accept you when it's time to go home
May you always have plenty
Your glass never empty
Know in your belly
You're never alone
May your tears come from laughing
You find friends worth having
With every year passing
They mean more than gold
May you win but stay humble
Smile more than grumble
And know when you stumble
You're never alone
Never alone
Never alone
I'll be in every beat of your heart
When you face the unknown
Wherever you fly
This isn't goodbye
My love will follow you stay with you
Baby you're never alone
Well, I have to be honest
As much as I want it
I'm not gonna promise the cold winds won't blow
So when hard times have found you
And your fear surround you
Wrap my love around you
You're never alone
Never alone
Never alone
I'll be in every beat of your heart
When you face the unknown
Wherever you fly
This isn't goodbye
My love will follow you stay with you
Baby you're never alone
May the angels protect you
Trouble neglect you
And heaven accept you when it's time to go home
And when hard times have found you
And your fear surround you
Wrap my love around you
You're never alone
Never alone
Never alone
I'll be in every beat of your heart
When you face the unknown
Wherever you fly
This isn't goodbye
My love will follow you stay with you
Baby you're never alone
My love will follow you stay with you
Baby you're never alone
And so,
to each of you who's having a birthday today.
Happy birthday!
All my best wishes be with you :)
I hope that the days come easy and the moments pass slow,
And each road leads you where you want to go,
And if you're faced with a choice, and you have to choose,
I hope you choose the one that means the most to you.
And if one door opens to another door closed,
I hope you keep on walkin' till you find the window,
If it's cold outside, show the world the warmth of your smile,
But more than anything, more than anything,
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish.
I hope you never look back, but ya never forget,
All the ones who love you, in the place you left,
I hope you always forgive, and you never regret,
And you help somebody every chance you get,
Oh, you find God's grace, in every mistake,
And you always give more than you take.
But more than anything, yeah, and more than anything,
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish.
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish.
This is my wish
I hope you know somebody loves you
May all your dreams stay big
May the angels protect you
Trouble neglect you
And heaven accept you when it's time to go home
May you always have plenty
Your glass never empty
Know in your belly
You're never alone
May your tears come from laughing
You find friends worth having
With every year passing
They mean more than gold
May you win but stay humble
Smile more than grumble
And know when you stumble
You're never alone
Never alone
Never alone
I'll be in every beat of your heart
When you face the unknown
Wherever you fly
This isn't goodbye
My love will follow you stay with you
Baby you're never alone
Well, I have to be honest
As much as I want it
I'm not gonna promise the cold winds won't blow
So when hard times have found you
And your fear surround you
Wrap my love around you
You're never alone
Never alone
Never alone
I'll be in every beat of your heart
When you face the unknown
Wherever you fly
This isn't goodbye
My love will follow you stay with you
Baby you're never alone
May the angels protect you
Trouble neglect you
And heaven accept you when it's time to go home
And when hard times have found you
And your fear surround you
Wrap my love around you
You're never alone
Never alone
Never alone
I'll be in every beat of your heart
When you face the unknown
Wherever you fly
This isn't goodbye
My love will follow you stay with you
Baby you're never alone
My love will follow you stay with you
Baby you're never alone
And so,
to each of you who's having a birthday today.
Happy birthday!
All my best wishes be with you :)
Pengantar Tidur
Di waktu seperti ini..
Dunia yang tersentuh dan
raga melayang terasa tak begitu asing.
Setengah menapak setengah berkelana,
mencari jejak mencari fana.
Portal ketiadaan versus keduniawian dibentangkan,
dan begitu saja.
Nafas seiring jejak setapak
berjalan mencari hulu dan muaranya.
Jangan bergerak..
Atau bergerak saja?
Di waktu seperti ini..
Hati yang berjanji mencari hulu
dan muaranya di dunia tanpa batas.
Kamu tak pernah terlalu jauh..
Kamu tak pernah terlalu jauh..
Di waktu seperti ini..
Aku bermuara di hatimu.
Dan lebih dari itu.
Dunia yang tersentuh dan
raga melayang terasa tak begitu asing.
Setengah menapak setengah berkelana,
mencari jejak mencari fana.
Portal ketiadaan versus keduniawian dibentangkan,
dan begitu saja.
Nafas seiring jejak setapak
berjalan mencari hulu dan muaranya.
Jangan bergerak..
Atau bergerak saja?
Di waktu seperti ini..
Hati yang berjanji mencari hulu
dan muaranya di dunia tanpa batas.
Kamu tak pernah terlalu jauh..
Kamu tak pernah terlalu jauh..
Di waktu seperti ini..
Aku bermuara di hatimu.
Dan lebih dari itu.
Monday, May 24, 2010
I remember some of the lines from my speech..
"Saya berdiri disini mewakili teman-teman untuk menyampaikan sepatah, dua patah kata.."
Hell that's was a hell lot of stress. Standing in front of the teachers council, all of my classmates plus their parents, and this is the first graduation. Ever. My hands were perfectly cold when I walk to the aisle. This is one of those moments when you (I) simply can't make ANY mistake. Period.
The only power upon me was the will to make my father proud.
For once.
"...Hari yang menjadi simbol bagi kita untuk menapaki tahap edukasi dan berhadapan dengan dunia nyata tanpa balutan seragam.."
First paragraph.
"...Tiga tahun terasa begitu cepat. Rasanya baru kemarin ini, saya dan teman-teman dengan bangga memakai seragam putih abu-abu yang baru. Memasuki gerbang masa sekolah yang selalu dikatakan sebagai masa yang paling indah, masa SMA."
I didn't actually respresent everyone, but most of them..
It was so fast. High school, was too fast. I could crawl back to all of the memories in high school, and still it feels still fresh in my mind. As if it all happened in one day. 24 hrs represents 365 days times three.
I walked my eyes to every corner in the room, into some of my friend's eyes. And my headmaster's. Somehow when the spotlight hit my eyes, the falashback came out of nowhere. I don;t have any idea how could I played a flashback while doing a speech.
We were in our junior high uniform, white and blue. Me, Angela, Ica, Kania, Grace, Clara - my junior high mates. We run fast to the hall, we're so late for the entrance test. On our way, runnning super fast (wondering why can't we do that during the class), guess whom we met? Suster. Yep, Sr Francesco. With her friendliest smile asking why were we running? And us, with our super-ugly smile and laugh answered truthfully, "Mau test suster!" And you wished us a great luck.
We did lucky, not just to finally get in to this high school. But lucky to be a part of it. I know that day all of us joined the same pride.
I know not each one of us were actually 'happy' to get into this school. I know stories of some who wasn't actually pleased to get into this school. Especially with its very strict rules in every part of our school life. Classmates from different junior high needs a lot more time to adapt. To find friends to hug (and scream).
"...Terima kasih, karena kami selalu diberikan kepercayaan, optimisme, dan kesabaran yang luar biasa dengan setiap pribadi dari kami dengan segala keusilan, kebosanan, dan semangat jiwa muda yang menggebu-gebu.."
We're young, everything's never enough.
"Terima kasih juga kepada orang tua kami yang tak ada habisnya mendampingi kami dalam masa pembelajaran hingga saat ini..."
I mean, who would provides you the food the money the bed the almost-everthing?
Including the heart to feel that there's such place called home.
"...begitu banyak yang telah kami terima. Kami sungguh berharap bahwa hari ini kami bisa jadi kebanggaan bagi orang tua kami."
Each of us. Everyone.
I hope the air of the room will breath out the sense of pride from us to our parents. And I bet we did. We finished our high school, we're ready to challenge the world.
This is just a start..
"And so to my friends..."
People say, saying goodbye is the most hurtful thing in the world. No man could actually deal with feeling lost or left. Whatever the reasons are.
"...sangat sulit rasanya apabila harus mengucapkan selamat tinggal."
"Bagaimanapun, ini bukan suatu akhir melainkan awal dari sesuatu yang lebih besar. Teruslah bermimpi dan raihlah setinggi mungkin. Kita akan tetap ada disini (in the heart0 untuk satu sama lain."
For a friend or for a foe..
"..kita menemukan berbagai macam teman di tempat ini, dan hari ini adalah saatnya kita semua menjadi teman. Satu alumnus SMA Santa Ursula BSD."
No man could live without a friend.
During the highschool, we (I) find the best people -what I called best friend- that I would ever had. The best people who actually accept me for who I am. Some of them could be a hypocrite, some of them are just joyfully alive, some of them are ambitious, some of them are too good to be true.
But everyone find their best ones. At last.
Every little thing in this school wall's a part of me I could never forget. A memory. Those walls aare my best secret keeper. Stories were told, and they revealed in existance. It would never fade away.
"Berbagai cerita dan rahasia kita di tiap sudut sekolah ini jadi kenangan yang tidak akan tergantikan.."
Situ Babakan.
Kaderisasi 'LARI'.
Live in.
All of those things, semuanya mendekatkan satu sama lain. Without to much work, it kept us one. As always.
"Doa kami selalu menyertai para suster, para guru, dan semua pihak dalam kampus SMA Santa Ursula BSD. Semoga selalu diberikan kesehatan dan kebahagiaan.."
Teachers have to face the comes and gones every once in a year. And sometimes we simply, forgot them. While actually they play a very big part in making us as ourselves today. Their wisdom. Their trust while we don't even have one upon us.
"..terima kasih telah menjadikan masa 3 tahun SMA kami begitu berharga, dan membentuk kami seperti sekarang ini. Terima kasih karena kami boleh menjadi bagian dari sekolah yang telah mendampingi untuk jadi pribadi yang siap menghadapi dunia nyata."
People from all around the globe.
"Nelson Mandela pernah berkata, 'Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."
"Akhir kata,
Serviam! Long live SMA Santa Ursula BSD..."

Dear fellas, bring the Serviam spirit everywhere you go. "Aku mengabdi.."
And we'll always together at heart, no distance and space could tear us apart.
I love you guys so much, Sanur #12!
High school would never be this beautiful without you guys.
See you :)
"Saya berdiri disini mewakili teman-teman untuk menyampaikan sepatah, dua patah kata.."
Hell that's was a hell lot of stress. Standing in front of the teachers council, all of my classmates plus their parents, and this is the first graduation. Ever. My hands were perfectly cold when I walk to the aisle. This is one of those moments when you (I) simply can't make ANY mistake. Period.
The only power upon me was the will to make my father proud.
For once.
"...Hari yang menjadi simbol bagi kita untuk menapaki tahap edukasi dan berhadapan dengan dunia nyata tanpa balutan seragam.."
First paragraph.
"...Tiga tahun terasa begitu cepat. Rasanya baru kemarin ini, saya dan teman-teman dengan bangga memakai seragam putih abu-abu yang baru. Memasuki gerbang masa sekolah yang selalu dikatakan sebagai masa yang paling indah, masa SMA."
I didn't actually respresent everyone, but most of them..
It was so fast. High school, was too fast. I could crawl back to all of the memories in high school, and still it feels still fresh in my mind. As if it all happened in one day. 24 hrs represents 365 days times three.
I walked my eyes to every corner in the room, into some of my friend's eyes. And my headmaster's. Somehow when the spotlight hit my eyes, the falashback came out of nowhere. I don;t have any idea how could I played a flashback while doing a speech.
We were in our junior high uniform, white and blue. Me, Angela, Ica, Kania, Grace, Clara - my junior high mates. We run fast to the hall, we're so late for the entrance test. On our way, runnning super fast (wondering why can't we do that during the class), guess whom we met? Suster. Yep, Sr Francesco. With her friendliest smile asking why were we running? And us, with our super-ugly smile and laugh answered truthfully, "Mau test suster!" And you wished us a great luck.
We did lucky, not just to finally get in to this high school. But lucky to be a part of it. I know that day all of us joined the same pride.
I know not each one of us were actually 'happy' to get into this school. I know stories of some who wasn't actually pleased to get into this school. Especially with its very strict rules in every part of our school life. Classmates from different junior high needs a lot more time to adapt. To find friends to hug (and scream).
"...Terima kasih, karena kami selalu diberikan kepercayaan, optimisme, dan kesabaran yang luar biasa dengan setiap pribadi dari kami dengan segala keusilan, kebosanan, dan semangat jiwa muda yang menggebu-gebu.."
We're young, everything's never enough.
"Terima kasih juga kepada orang tua kami yang tak ada habisnya mendampingi kami dalam masa pembelajaran hingga saat ini..."
I mean, who would provides you the food the money the bed the almost-everthing?
Including the heart to feel that there's such place called home.
"...begitu banyak yang telah kami terima. Kami sungguh berharap bahwa hari ini kami bisa jadi kebanggaan bagi orang tua kami."
Each of us. Everyone.
I hope the air of the room will breath out the sense of pride from us to our parents. And I bet we did. We finished our high school, we're ready to challenge the world.
This is just a start..
"And so to my friends..."
People say, saying goodbye is the most hurtful thing in the world. No man could actually deal with feeling lost or left. Whatever the reasons are.
"...sangat sulit rasanya apabila harus mengucapkan selamat tinggal."
"Bagaimanapun, ini bukan suatu akhir melainkan awal dari sesuatu yang lebih besar. Teruslah bermimpi dan raihlah setinggi mungkin. Kita akan tetap ada disini (in the heart0 untuk satu sama lain."
For a friend or for a foe..
"..kita menemukan berbagai macam teman di tempat ini, dan hari ini adalah saatnya kita semua menjadi teman. Satu alumnus SMA Santa Ursula BSD."
No man could live without a friend.
During the highschool, we (I) find the best people -what I called best friend- that I would ever had. The best people who actually accept me for who I am. Some of them could be a hypocrite, some of them are just joyfully alive, some of them are ambitious, some of them are too good to be true.
But everyone find their best ones. At last.
Every little thing in this school wall's a part of me I could never forget. A memory. Those walls aare my best secret keeper. Stories were told, and they revealed in existance. It would never fade away.
"Berbagai cerita dan rahasia kita di tiap sudut sekolah ini jadi kenangan yang tidak akan tergantikan.."
Situ Babakan.
Kaderisasi 'LARI'.
Live in.
All of those things, semuanya mendekatkan satu sama lain. Without to much work, it kept us one. As always.
"Doa kami selalu menyertai para suster, para guru, dan semua pihak dalam kampus SMA Santa Ursula BSD. Semoga selalu diberikan kesehatan dan kebahagiaan.."
Teachers have to face the comes and gones every once in a year. And sometimes we simply, forgot them. While actually they play a very big part in making us as ourselves today. Their wisdom. Their trust while we don't even have one upon us.
"..terima kasih telah menjadikan masa 3 tahun SMA kami begitu berharga, dan membentuk kami seperti sekarang ini. Terima kasih karena kami boleh menjadi bagian dari sekolah yang telah mendampingi untuk jadi pribadi yang siap menghadapi dunia nyata."
People from all around the globe.
"Nelson Mandela pernah berkata, 'Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."
"Akhir kata,
Serviam! Long live SMA Santa Ursula BSD..."

Dear fellas, bring the Serviam spirit everywhere you go. "Aku mengabdi.."
And we'll always together at heart, no distance and space could tear us apart.
I love you guys so much, Sanur #12!
High school would never be this beautiful without you guys.
See you :)
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Counting Down to Graduation
Finally the decoration part was finished! Sweet Lord, it was one hell a lot of fun and exhaustion. Since it's over, I'll give you a little peak in :)



Ready? Here's us!

Joseph - Monik - Dinar - Mara - Lydia - Marco

Awalya, I wwas kinda hesitating to be one of this graduation-prom committee.
Seriously (with a lil' bit of selfishness), "Males banget mau libuuurr!"
Sayangnya, nasib kurang berpihak... dan sangat berpihak at the same time.
While everybody has already spent their holy-days (as in holiday) of freedom, me and these fives still stuck almost everyday dan memang berakhir dengan setiap hari jam tujuh sudah di gerbang SMA pakai seragam dengan manis and prepare everything for the big day.
Today, am grateful.
Being one of the committee adalah satu cara untuk slowly saying goodbye to the school. Di detik-detik terakhir masih ketemu suster (esp Joseph si raja perlengkapan) trus karyawan, Bu Eri. And actually getting to know each one deeper at this very end. Funny, huh?
We worked and we had fun. And super ready every time duty calls.
Like H-1 dimana akhirnya kita setengah bermalam di sekolah, lelaki-lelaki angkut peralatan masuk, dan wanita-wanita tiup balon sampe doweerr hahaha.
Trus si nasi goreng sumber segala banyolan si Marco Tara sumpah ya nista banget lo coo hahaha and very entertaining at the same time. Kerja keras lo dengan si banner membuahkan hasil yg sangat baik Marcoo, well done deh! Hahaha.
Satu lagi si Dinar Marince yang somehow gw gak ngerti deh gimana itu udah jelas-jelas kita wanti-wanti setiap kelas xii ke sekolah pake putih abu-abu, eh dia cinta mati banget tiap ke sekolah pake seragam putih-hijau. Dan dari berpuluh kali ke sekolah, dia cuma bener dua kali. Hadeeeh Dinar, putus asa gw akhirnya. Haha.
Surprise surprise, dekorasi ini memunculkan bakat-bakat terpendam untuk menjadi flourist. Si Kirsten Dunst (perhatiin deh mukanya mirip banget), I mean, Lydia jadi andalan kalo urusan bikin bunga-bungaan. Jarinya lentik banget deh, keibuan sekali. Daaan ternyata, Monik gak kalah 'tukang bunganya'. Kecil-kecil cabe rawit deh wanita itu hahaha. Good job, girls! Muah.
Dan emang dasar norak, kita paling seneng waktu disuruh naik ke atas stager. (Begitu suruh ngangkut, yg cewek langsung minggir :p) Dan masih nggak ada yang ngalahin Pak Yudi yang Super-Superman naik sampai stager di lantai 4 dengan santainya kesannya cuma naik dua anak tangga. Masyaoloh Pak, pegangaaaaannnn...


Di hari pertama stripping dekorasi, harusnya ada yang vacuum si red carpet secara dia berasal dari gudang dan waktu gw pertama buka. Debunya, bisa ngusir tikus deh, huek. Akhirnya gw mengirim Adhi bawa vacuum trus cari temen untuk ngevacuum. Dia udah semangat '45 eh malah lelaki-lelaki itu malah mager (malas gerak) trus pasti, "Udah lo aja deh dhi, kita ngurusin tripleknya aja nih. Oke?" Pantesan Adhi menang jadi siswa paling sopan ya, dijadiin kambing hitam melulu. Dan anaknya super nrimo. Untung akhirnya si Anes dan Bayu mau nemenin *akhirnya! Gw tau mereka biar cepet aja dan emang cepet banget! Dan memang terbukti akhirnya pas mau dipasang gw bilang "wih oke nih habis divacuum.." Mereka bilang dengan polosnya, "..sebenernya gak kita vacuum Mar, kebasin aja." Hehe. Yak bagus.
Mendekati hari terakhir para pria mulai mesum dan tiap gw dan Dinar ngomong apa (sambil masang red carpet) diartikan SALAH. Super salah. Dan korbannya? Adhi. Aduh, kasihan haha. "Deketin dong..", "Tarik deh..", "Kaya kemarin, Dhi.." Gw pun sukses antara geli ngakak gelo sama jijik. Udah gitu menurut mereka suaranya mendesah-desah salah. Pret. Sekali lagi biang keroknya adalah dua lelaki mulut janda versi kelas IPA - si Anes PM dan versi IPS - si Marco Tarararara
Geblek banget deh.
Satu lagi!
Thanks God balonnya berhasil jatuh! Untung semalam sebelumnya ada Pak Yohanes dan besoknya ada Pak Yudi. Gw dan Joseph udah setengah putus asa kalo dapat 4 jam harus bongkar ulang, huek. Mending gausah jatuh sekalian. Thanks God, it works! Yuhuuuu!
And also thanks to the boys!
Johanes Putra
Michael Hartono
Michael Kendro
Harsyadi Adhiarsa - dan vacuum cleanernya
Bayu Wirawan
Sandy Zefanya - yang muncul di hari pertama dan terakhir hahaha
siapa lagi sih ya?
Aditya Muskita
Rex Henderson
and the girls!
Khairunnisa *muah, muah
Myrna Savani
Angela Taruli
Yessica - Siska - Nessia - Ika - Meme
Finally the decoration part was finished! Sweet Lord, it was one hell a lot of fun and exhaustion. Since it's over, I'll give you a little peak in :)



Ready? Here's us!

Joseph - Monik - Dinar - Mara - Lydia - Marco

Awalya, I wwas kinda hesitating to be one of this graduation-prom committee.
Seriously (with a lil' bit of selfishness), "Males banget mau libuuurr!"
Sayangnya, nasib kurang berpihak... dan sangat berpihak at the same time.
While everybody has already spent their holy-days (as in holiday) of freedom, me and these fives still stuck almost everyday dan memang berakhir dengan setiap hari jam tujuh sudah di gerbang SMA pakai seragam dengan manis and prepare everything for the big day.
Today, am grateful.
Being one of the committee adalah satu cara untuk slowly saying goodbye to the school. Di detik-detik terakhir masih ketemu suster (esp Joseph si raja perlengkapan) trus karyawan, Bu Eri. And actually getting to know each one deeper at this very end. Funny, huh?
We worked and we had fun. And super ready every time duty calls.
Like H-1 dimana akhirnya kita setengah bermalam di sekolah, lelaki-lelaki angkut peralatan masuk, dan wanita-wanita tiup balon sampe doweerr hahaha.
Trus si nasi goreng sumber segala banyolan si Marco Tara sumpah ya nista banget lo coo hahaha and very entertaining at the same time. Kerja keras lo dengan si banner membuahkan hasil yg sangat baik Marcoo, well done deh! Hahaha.
Satu lagi si Dinar Marince yang somehow gw gak ngerti deh gimana itu udah jelas-jelas kita wanti-wanti setiap kelas xii ke sekolah pake putih abu-abu, eh dia cinta mati banget tiap ke sekolah pake seragam putih-hijau. Dan dari berpuluh kali ke sekolah, dia cuma bener dua kali. Hadeeeh Dinar, putus asa gw akhirnya. Haha.
Surprise surprise, dekorasi ini memunculkan bakat-bakat terpendam untuk menjadi flourist. Si Kirsten Dunst (perhatiin deh mukanya mirip banget), I mean, Lydia jadi andalan kalo urusan bikin bunga-bungaan. Jarinya lentik banget deh, keibuan sekali. Daaan ternyata, Monik gak kalah 'tukang bunganya'. Kecil-kecil cabe rawit deh wanita itu hahaha. Good job, girls! Muah.
Dan emang dasar norak, kita paling seneng waktu disuruh naik ke atas stager. (Begitu suruh ngangkut, yg cewek langsung minggir :p) Dan masih nggak ada yang ngalahin Pak Yudi yang Super-Superman naik sampai stager di lantai 4 dengan santainya kesannya cuma naik dua anak tangga. Masyaoloh Pak, pegangaaaaannnn...


Di hari pertama stripping dekorasi, harusnya ada yang vacuum si red carpet secara dia berasal dari gudang dan waktu gw pertama buka. Debunya, bisa ngusir tikus deh, huek. Akhirnya gw mengirim Adhi bawa vacuum trus cari temen untuk ngevacuum. Dia udah semangat '45 eh malah lelaki-lelaki itu malah mager (malas gerak) trus pasti, "Udah lo aja deh dhi, kita ngurusin tripleknya aja nih. Oke?" Pantesan Adhi menang jadi siswa paling sopan ya, dijadiin kambing hitam melulu. Dan anaknya super nrimo. Untung akhirnya si Anes dan Bayu mau nemenin *akhirnya! Gw tau mereka biar cepet aja dan emang cepet banget! Dan memang terbukti akhirnya pas mau dipasang gw bilang "wih oke nih habis divacuum.." Mereka bilang dengan polosnya, "..sebenernya gak kita vacuum Mar, kebasin aja." Hehe. Yak bagus.
Mendekati hari terakhir para pria mulai mesum dan tiap gw dan Dinar ngomong apa (sambil masang red carpet) diartikan SALAH. Super salah. Dan korbannya? Adhi. Aduh, kasihan haha. "Deketin dong..", "Tarik deh..", "Kaya kemarin, Dhi.." Gw pun sukses antara geli ngakak gelo sama jijik. Udah gitu menurut mereka suaranya mendesah-desah salah. Pret. Sekali lagi biang keroknya adalah dua lelaki mulut janda versi kelas IPA - si Anes PM dan versi IPS - si Marco Tarararara
Geblek banget deh.
Satu lagi!
Thanks God balonnya berhasil jatuh! Untung semalam sebelumnya ada Pak Yohanes dan besoknya ada Pak Yudi. Gw dan Joseph udah setengah putus asa kalo dapat 4 jam harus bongkar ulang, huek. Mending gausah jatuh sekalian. Thanks God, it works! Yuhuuuu!
And also thanks to the boys!
Johanes Putra
Michael Hartono
Michael Kendro
Harsyadi Adhiarsa - dan vacuum cleanernya
Bayu Wirawan
Sandy Zefanya - yang muncul di hari pertama dan terakhir hahaha
siapa lagi sih ya?
Aditya Muskita
Rex Henderson
and the girls!
Khairunnisa *muah, muah
Myrna Savani
Angela Taruli
Yessica - Siska - Nessia - Ika - Meme
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Hand in Hand
You guys should watch this video. Very very.. touching.
A dance couple.
Common, right?
Watch carefully, and you know why the choreography defines love and sacrifise.
A dance couple.
Common, right?
Watch carefully, and you know why the choreography defines love and sacrifise.
Five more to go
Hello, Tuesday!
Hari-hari ini banyak banget ya yang bisa diceritain, since two weeks ago actually. First of all, kita mulai dari kesibukan gw yang baru yakni berenang setiap dua minggu sekali. Such a huge proggress, since I usually swim every once in two years haha. To be honest, it wasn't that bad. Not bad after all. Walaupun dengan badan setinggi dan sebesar ini masih norak pakai pelampung ngalahin anak kelas 2 sd (memalukan tapi harus diakui kalo ada satu hari dimana temen les gw adalah anak kelas 2 sd), but first thing first : mengalahkan rasa takut. Pengalaman masa lalu yg pernah tenggelam sendirian ternyata memang traumatis. Begitu digeret ke kolam dua meter, teriak-teriak panik. Kaki kecipak-kecipuk, tangan pegangan sekuat hati, trus berdoanya kenceeeng ngalahin arus kolam. Gak kebayang apa rasanya diving. Setelah beberapa kali oke juga sih gaya bebas gaya katak udah lulus tanpa remedial..
Decoration, wuzz.
Ini adalah pekerjaan selama dua minggu terakhir. Sangat sangat amat menyita waktu emosi dan tenaga. Haha, but fun have to say. A slower way to say goodbye to my uniforms and school. Awalnya kita cuma berenam sih, si Joseph rajanya perlengkapan trus si Marco nasi-goreng-Tara, si Lydia kembarannya Kirsten Dunst, si Monik yang kecilnya minta-ampun, sama si Dince-marince (baca : Dinar). Awalnya terlihat sangat amat simpel dan gak menyita waktu banyak, ujungnya? Persepsi belaka. Haha. Mulai dari banner kain sampai detail yang kadang kita lupa. Anyway, ceritanya nanti ajalah ya, gak surprise dong kalo dibuka disini sekarang?
It's been a while since I'm not dancing every once a week! Semenjak awal tahun 2010 datang, gw officially berhenti dance. Sigh. Kangen Kizabballu banget deeeh :') Anyway, we're back on track to prepare our perform at the prom night! Our very last show in high school. Can't wait. We usually dance hip hop, but we got another surprise for everybody later Monday!
Just wait, and see..
By the way thanks to Ignatia Adya, I'm going to take jazz ballet starting next week. I've been craving for jazz ballet course since I was the 10th grader but these and those always make me took that idea aside. Since my duty will end by Monday, I'll have a lot of extra time to take summer classes or some sort of that. At first, I was planning to take French (Intensive) Summer Class at CCF. After I checked on their schedule, I threw up. Haha, seriously, I mean.. five days a week and four hours a day for 8 weeks. It's exhausting and lack of FUN! Languange is fun! But learning French that way is so so wrong.. Enam bulan juga lupa. Taruhan.
Anyway, I'll take my jazz ballet class at Namarina. My eldest cousin was also taking jazz ballet class at Namarina, but now she's way away in Netherlands. Seriously I can't wait until next Friday!
Hari-hari ini I'm totally occupied sama dekorasi.
Since I'm responsible of the overall decoration, I gotta stand by all the time. All things must come after the decoration is done.
Again, priority comes first.
So when those latest routines come at once, ya dengan sangat terpaksa hal-hal selain dekorasi harus dinomorduakan. Sigh.
Contoh : besok.
A friend of mine kasih kabar kalo besok ada public lecture si Lech Walesa di Universitas Paramadina. Setelah cari tahu lebih lanjut ternyata dia sudah mampir di Kolese Kanisius terlebih dahulu! A Nobel Peace Prize Winner and Former President of Poland. Jam berapa? Setengah dua. Itu sih masih sibuk mondar-mandir di Aula. Dan si Utami Sandyarani dengan sangat menyebalkannya malah FREE! Jadilah dia yang dateng. Haaaaaahh, bete...
Kalo udah begini pasti besok counting down menuju jam setengah dua deh trus mau gangguin Tami ah selama acara mau bbm terus hahaha gak deh Tam, but you owe me the whole package of story!
Hari-hari ini banyak banget ya yang bisa diceritain, since two weeks ago actually. First of all, kita mulai dari kesibukan gw yang baru yakni berenang setiap dua minggu sekali. Such a huge proggress, since I usually swim every once in two years haha. To be honest, it wasn't that bad. Not bad after all. Walaupun dengan badan setinggi dan sebesar ini masih norak pakai pelampung ngalahin anak kelas 2 sd (memalukan tapi harus diakui kalo ada satu hari dimana temen les gw adalah anak kelas 2 sd), but first thing first : mengalahkan rasa takut. Pengalaman masa lalu yg pernah tenggelam sendirian ternyata memang traumatis. Begitu digeret ke kolam dua meter, teriak-teriak panik. Kaki kecipak-kecipuk, tangan pegangan sekuat hati, trus berdoanya kenceeeng ngalahin arus kolam. Gak kebayang apa rasanya diving. Setelah beberapa kali oke juga sih gaya bebas gaya katak udah lulus tanpa remedial..
Decoration, wuzz.
Ini adalah pekerjaan selama dua minggu terakhir. Sangat sangat amat menyita waktu emosi dan tenaga. Haha, but fun have to say. A slower way to say goodbye to my uniforms and school. Awalnya kita cuma berenam sih, si Joseph rajanya perlengkapan trus si Marco nasi-goreng-Tara, si Lydia kembarannya Kirsten Dunst, si Monik yang kecilnya minta-ampun, sama si Dince-marince (baca : Dinar). Awalnya terlihat sangat amat simpel dan gak menyita waktu banyak, ujungnya? Persepsi belaka. Haha. Mulai dari banner kain sampai detail yang kadang kita lupa. Anyway, ceritanya nanti ajalah ya, gak surprise dong kalo dibuka disini sekarang?
It's been a while since I'm not dancing every once a week! Semenjak awal tahun 2010 datang, gw officially berhenti dance. Sigh. Kangen Kizabballu banget deeeh :') Anyway, we're back on track to prepare our perform at the prom night! Our very last show in high school. Can't wait. We usually dance hip hop, but we got another surprise for everybody later Monday!
Just wait, and see..
By the way thanks to Ignatia Adya, I'm going to take jazz ballet starting next week. I've been craving for jazz ballet course since I was the 10th grader but these and those always make me took that idea aside. Since my duty will end by Monday, I'll have a lot of extra time to take summer classes or some sort of that. At first, I was planning to take French (Intensive) Summer Class at CCF. After I checked on their schedule, I threw up. Haha, seriously, I mean.. five days a week and four hours a day for 8 weeks. It's exhausting and lack of FUN! Languange is fun! But learning French that way is so so wrong.. Enam bulan juga lupa. Taruhan.
Anyway, I'll take my jazz ballet class at Namarina. My eldest cousin was also taking jazz ballet class at Namarina, but now she's way away in Netherlands. Seriously I can't wait until next Friday!
Hari-hari ini I'm totally occupied sama dekorasi.
Since I'm responsible of the overall decoration, I gotta stand by all the time. All things must come after the decoration is done.
Again, priority comes first.
So when those latest routines come at once, ya dengan sangat terpaksa hal-hal selain dekorasi harus dinomorduakan. Sigh.
Contoh : besok.
A friend of mine kasih kabar kalo besok ada public lecture si Lech Walesa di Universitas Paramadina. Setelah cari tahu lebih lanjut ternyata dia sudah mampir di Kolese Kanisius terlebih dahulu! A Nobel Peace Prize Winner and Former President of Poland. Jam berapa? Setengah dua. Itu sih masih sibuk mondar-mandir di Aula. Dan si Utami Sandyarani dengan sangat menyebalkannya malah FREE! Jadilah dia yang dateng. Haaaaaahh, bete...
Kalo udah begini pasti besok counting down menuju jam setengah dua deh trus mau gangguin Tami ah selama acara mau bbm terus hahaha gak deh Tam, but you owe me the whole package of story!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
A funny strangest thing
Kesamaan aneh 2 ex presiden AS.
Abraham Lincoln masuk kongres tahun 1846.
John F. Kennedy masuk kongres tahun 1946.
Abraham Lincoln terpilih jadi presiden tahun 1860.
John F. Kennedy terpilih jadi presiden tahun 1960.
Keduanya sangat peduli hak-hak sipil.
Kedua istri mereka kehilangan anak saat di gedung putih.
Kedua presiden ditembak hari Jumat.Kedua presiden ditembak di kepala.
Sekretaris Lincoln bernama Kennedy .Sekretaris Kennedy bernama Lincoln .
Keduanya dibunuh oleh orang dari daerah selatan.Keduanya digantikan oleh orang selatan yg bernama Johnson.
Andrew Johnson, yg menggantikan Lincoln , lahir tahun 1808.
Lyndon Johnson, yg menggantikan Kennedy, lahir tahun 1908.
John Wilkes Booth, yg membunuh Lincoln , lahir thn 1839.
Lee Harvey Oswald, yg membunuh Kennedy, lahir thn 1939
.Kedua pembunuh terkenal dengan tiga namanya.
Nama keduanya terdiri dari 15 huruf.
Lincoln ditembak di teater bernama ‘Ford.’Kennedy tertembak di mobil ‘ Lincoln ‘ dibuat oleh ‘Ford.
’Lincoln tertembak di teater dan pembunuhnya bersembunyi di gudang.
Kennedy tertembak dari sebuah gudang dan pembunuhnya bersembunyi di teater.
Booth dan Oswald terbunuh sebelum diadili.
Seminggu sebelum Lincoln tertembak, dia berada di Monroe , Maryland
Seminggu sebelum Kennedy tertembak, dia bersama Marilyn Monroe
Thanks to Theresia Uli Hasian Sinaga :)
Abraham Lincoln masuk kongres tahun 1846.
John F. Kennedy masuk kongres tahun 1946.
Abraham Lincoln terpilih jadi presiden tahun 1860.
John F. Kennedy terpilih jadi presiden tahun 1960.
Keduanya sangat peduli hak-hak sipil.
Kedua istri mereka kehilangan anak saat di gedung putih.
Kedua presiden ditembak hari Jumat.Kedua presiden ditembak di kepala.
Sekretaris Lincoln bernama Kennedy .Sekretaris Kennedy bernama Lincoln .
Keduanya dibunuh oleh orang dari daerah selatan.Keduanya digantikan oleh orang selatan yg bernama Johnson.
Andrew Johnson, yg menggantikan Lincoln , lahir tahun 1808.
Lyndon Johnson, yg menggantikan Kennedy, lahir tahun 1908.
John Wilkes Booth, yg membunuh Lincoln , lahir thn 1839.
Lee Harvey Oswald, yg membunuh Kennedy, lahir thn 1939
.Kedua pembunuh terkenal dengan tiga namanya.
Nama keduanya terdiri dari 15 huruf.
Lincoln ditembak di teater bernama ‘Ford.’Kennedy tertembak di mobil ‘ Lincoln ‘ dibuat oleh ‘Ford.
’Lincoln tertembak di teater dan pembunuhnya bersembunyi di gudang.
Kennedy tertembak dari sebuah gudang dan pembunuhnya bersembunyi di teater.
Booth dan Oswald terbunuh sebelum diadili.
Seminggu sebelum Lincoln tertembak, dia berada di Monroe , Maryland
Seminggu sebelum Kennedy tertembak, dia bersama Marilyn Monroe
Thanks to Theresia Uli Hasian Sinaga :)
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